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The End of Food

How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Food Supply - and What You Can Do About

Regular price $24.95 CAD
  • ISBN: 9781553651697
  • Tags: Food & Drink, Health & Wellness, Thomas Pawlick,
  • Dimensions: 6 x 9
  • Published On: 5/18/2006
  • 264 Pages
Description Reviews

" . . . a disturbing, well-documented look at the worldwide trend toward corporate food that may look good on a store shelf but that lacks all the qualities that make eating both a physical necessity and a sensual experience." -Matthew Behrens, Quill & Quire

" . . . an issue-driven book that's newsworthy and shocking . . . " -Bruce Gillespie, Quill & Quire

" . . . Pawlick writes from a downright mainstream perspective . . . this is something hugely in its favour as his message about the food system will be heeded by more than the converted . . . " -Paul Henderson, Vitality Magazine

"Pawlick is on a crusade to warn Canadians that the food industry has spent the last few decades engineering nutrition out of what ends up on the shelves of North America's supermarkets . . . Pawlick's book calls on consumers to turn to farmers' markets, backyard gardens and other means to find food that hasn't been nutritionally degraded." -The Observer

"Corporate profits trump health and nutrition in our modern food system, according to award-winning journalist and part-time farmer Thomas Pawlick in his expose of the food crisis in Canada's food supply. Pawlick gives guidance on how we can reclaim control of what we eat by becoming active at the local level." -Granville Magazine