About Us

Greystone Books is a leading independent publisher of books about nature, science, health, and social issues, with a commitment to environmental stewardship.
We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint in our production and supply chain. We print on paper that meets international standards set by globally recognized organizations that certify paper products sourced with socially responsible and environmentally friendly methods.
Founded in Vancouver in 1993 and named after the grey stone commonly used in heritage architecture in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, our name reflects both the prairie roots of founding publisher Rob Sanders and a material grounded in the natural world.
We publish books that provide insight into living with a deep connection to nature: books that show readers how we can respect, protect, and care for the species we share this planet with—and how to create a future with them in mind.

Greystone Books is a leading independent publisher of books about nature, science, health, and social issues, with a commitment to environmental stewardship.
We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint in our production and supply chain. We print on paper that meets international standards set by globally recognized organizations that certify paper products sourced with socially responsible and environmentally friendly methods.
Founded in Vancouver in 1993 and named after the greystone commonly used in heritage architecture in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, our name reflects both the prairie roots of founding publisher Rob Sanders and a material grounded in the natural world.
We publish books that provide insight into living with a deep connection to nature: books that show readers how we can respect, protect, and care for the species we share this planet with—and how to create a future with them in mind.
As part of our commitment to protecting the environment, we publish a collection of our books in partnership with the David Suzuki Institute (DSI), a non-profit organization that raises public awareness and advances political action in Canada on the climate and biodiversity crisis and their solutions. Proceeds from the books published in partnership with the DSI help fund their organizing and advocacy initiatives.

Greystone Kids launched in 2019 as an imprint of Greystone Books. We publish picture books and middle-grade non-fiction about science, nature and the environment, community and care. Our stunning and sustainably produced books aim to help kids understand both the wonders of nature and the complex world around them. In only a few years, Greystone Kids has published numerous award-winning and acclaimed books that inspire, engage, and connect with readers of all backgrounds around the world.

Aldana Libros is an imprint of Greystone Kids that was developed by renowned children’s publisher Patricia Aldana. It selects the very best books for children from around the world—stories shaped by the many different realities that make up our human experience. As Patricia Aldana says: “What better place to meet children who are intriguingly like us, yet also quite different, than in wonderful, beautiful, well-written children’s books from the rest of the world?”
David Suzuki Institute
The David Suzuki Institute (DSI) is a non-profit organization that raises public awareness and advances political action in Canada on the climate and biodiversity crises and their solutions.
Greystone Books publishes a collection of books in partnership with the DSI that educate and enlighten people of all ages and backgrounds about the wonders of nature and the importance of caring for this small blue planet that provides us with all we need to prosper and survive. The collection includes many award-winning and bestselling books such as the New York Times bestseller The Hidden Life of Trees; the National Science Teachers Association Honor Book Plasticus Maritimus; the Hilary Weston Writers' Trust Prize-winning book Geography of Blood and the Governor General’s Award-winning illustrated book Lakeland. For over twenty-five years, Greystone worked with the DSI’s companion organization, the David Suzuki Foundation. In 2015, the publishing relationship shifted to the DSI, which is not a registered charity. The new association allows for more latitude to engage in political advocacy.
List of Greystone Books titles published in partnership with the David Suzuki Institute (and previously the David Suzuki Foundation).

Greystone Kids is an imprint of Greystone Books. We publish fiction and nonfiction picture books, and middle-grade /YA non-fiction, about science, nature and the environment, health and community. Greystone Kids has published numerous award-winning and acclaimed books that inspire and engage kids all around the world and is the recipient of The Bologna Prize for the Best Children’s Publishers of the Year for 2024. We aim to create innovative, informative and fun books that readers will love.

Aldana Libros is an imprint of Greystone Kids that was developed by renowned children’s publisher Patricia Aldana. It selects the very best books for children from around the world—stories shaped by the many different realities that make up our human experience. As Patricia Aldana says: “What better place to meet children who are intriguingly like us, yet also quite different, than in wonderful, beautiful, well-written children’s books from the rest of the world?”
David Suzuki Institute
As part of our commitment to the environment, we publish a collection of books in partnership with the David Suzuki Institute (DSI), a non-profit organization that raises public awareness and advances political action in Canada on the climate and biodiversity crisis and their solutions. The books that are part of this collection educate and enlighten people of all ages and backgrounds about the wonders of nature and the importance of caring for this small blue planet that provides us with all we need to prosper and survive. Proceeds from the books published in partnership with the DSI help fund their organizing and advocacy initiatives.
List of Greystone Books titles published in partnership with the David Suzuki Institute (and previously the David Suzuki Foundation).
Our Staff
Rob Sanders | Founding Publisher & CEO
Jen Gauthier | Publisher
Lara LeMoal | Associate Publisher, Greystone Kids
Patricia Aldana | Publisher, Aldana Libros
Jennifer Croll | Editorial Director
Jessica Sullivan | Creative Director, Greystone Kids, Middle Grade and Aldana Libros
Paula Ayer | Senior Editor
Nancy Flight | Editor Emerita
Lucy Kenward | Editorial Associate
Jane Billinghurst | Editorial Associate, U.S.
James Penco | Assistant Editor
Andrea Damiani | Production Manager and Rights Director
Sara Gillingham | Consulting Creative Director, Greystone Kids
Kallie George | Editorial Director, Greystone Kids Picture Books
Linda Pruessen | Editor, Middle Reader, Greystone Kids
Rachel Rose | Editorial Consultant
Toni Banyard | Editorial and Production Associate, Greystone Kids
Susanne Rolf | Publishing Associate, Germany
Megan Jones | Marketing Director
Megan Radford | Sales Manager
Meghan Vestad | Operations Manager and Executive Assistant
Kathy Nguyen | Production and Rights Associate
Sydney Marchand | Marketing and Publicity Coordinator
Dessa Douglas | Administrative and Marketing Assistant
Javana Boothe | Senior Designer
Fiona Siu | Designer
Zahra Fattahi | Accountant
Corina Eberle | National Publicist
Fiona Brownlee | UK Marketing and Publicity Director
Andrew Furlow | Head, Greystone Books UK
Our Staff
Rob Sanders | Founding Publisher & CEO
Jen Gauthier | Publisher
Lara LeMoal | Associate Publisher, Greystone Kids
Patricia Aldana | Publisher, Aldana Libros
Jennifer Croll | Editorial Director
Paula Ayer | Senior Editor
Nancy Flight | Editor Emerita
Lucy Kenward | Editorial Associate
Jane Billinghurst | Editorial Associate, U.S.
James Penco | Assistant Editor
Andrea Damiani | Production Manager and Rights Director
Jessica Sullivan | Consulting Creative Director, Greystone Books
Sara Gillingham | Consulting Creative Director, Greystone Kids
Kallie George | Editorial Director, Greystone Kids Picture Books
Linda Pruessen | Editor, Middle Reader, Greystone Kids
Toni Banyard | Editorial and Production Associate, Greystone Kids
Susanne Rolf | Publishing Associate, Germany
Megan Jones | Sales & Marketing Director
Megan Radford | Sales Manager
Meghan Vestad | Operations Manager and Executive Assistant
Marley Grayson | Production and Design Associate
Sydney Marchand | Production Editor and Marketing Associate, Greystone Kids
Dessa Douglas | Sales and Marketing Coordinator
Marissa Thompson | Publishing Administrative Assistant
Fiona Siu | Designer
Zahra Fattahi | Accountant
Fiona Brownlee | UK Marketing and Publicity Director
Catherine Ward | UK PR, Greystone Kids
Emily Cook | U.S. PR, Greystone (Adult)
Deborah Sloan | U.S. PR, Greystone Kids
Greystone Books Anti-Racism Policy
Greystone Books seeks to promote anti-racism and prioritize diversity and inclusion throughout our programs, as outlined in our anti-racism policy. Greystone is committed to publishing books from a wide range of voices and perspectives, including Black writers, Indigenous writers, writers of colour, writers with disabilities, writers from the LGBTQ+ community, and economically marginalized writers. Greystone encourages all its internal and external human resources to be aware of, and practice, behaviour that supports anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion, including through staff-wide anti-racism training and educational resources.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts (canadacouncil.ca), the Government of Canada, and the Province of British Columbia through the British Columbia Arts Council, Creative BC, and the Book Publishing Tax Credit.
Greystone Books Anti-Racism Policy
Greystone Books seeks to promote anti-racism and prioritize diversity and inclusion throughout our programs, as outlined in our anti-racism policy. Greystone is committed to publishing books from a wide range of voices and perspectives, including Black writers, Indigenous writers, writers of colour, writers with disabilities, writers from the LGBTQ+ community, and economically marginalized writers. Greystone encourages all its internal and external human resources to be aware of, and practice, behaviour that supports anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion, including through staff-wide anti-racism training and educational resources.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts (canadacouncil.ca), the Government of Canada, and the Province of British Columbia through the British Columbia Arts Council, Creative BC, and the Book Publishing Tax Credit.