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My Natural History

The Evolution of a Gardener

Regular price $28.95 CAD
  • ISBN: 9781553653769
  • Tags: Biography & Memoir, Liz Primeau, Nature & Environment,
  • Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
  • Published On: 8/20/2008
  • 240 Pages
Description Reviews

"A funny, thoughtful, poignant memoir of a lifetime of gardening. It comes with dollops of useful but not intrusive advice. Read through the winter and you'll be itching for spring and gardening season." -Hamilton Spectator

"My Natural History . . . is a cracking good read." -Canadian Gardening

"Primeau shares her joy of gardening in an appealing literary style that certainly captures the reader's attention." -Chicago Botanic Gardens

"A delightful Canadian memoir to curl up with on a cold night. If, like me, you enjoy reading about other gardeners' adventures, Primeau is perfect fare - light and entertaining, with some useful tips to throw in." -Toronto Star

"Also rewarding for pleasurable perusing is My Natural History, by Liz Primeau, a memoir covering nearly 50 years of adventurous gardening by Canada's 'celebrity gardener' and a mix of much useful information with joyous insights and lore." -The Avant Gardener

"For the readerly gardener there is Liz Primeau's My Natural History. The former editor of Canadian Gardening magazine's memoir is a delicious and intimate look at her life in the garden." -National Post

"Gardens, as she observes in My Natural History . . . have cooled and protected us and given us succor through the centuries; they have provided creative satisfaction and, when we need it, therapy . . . To Primeau, gardening is an important social necessity - one which, in many ways, defines her." -Times Colonist

"My Natural History is a forthright and simple account of a nice lady who has spent her life tilling the soil north of the 49th Parallel. Along the way, she has also dug up personal salvation, and a career . . . My Natural History is seeded with many helpful tips, such as when to harvest haricot verts and how to cook fava beans. Primeau also gives a thumbnail history of domestic agriculture and an extensive tour of Medieval and Renaissance Italian gardens." -Los Angeles Times

"Perfect reading for a wintry afternoon." -Cottage Gardener

"The eagerly awaited new book from Liz Primeau, one of Canada's most beloved garden personalities . . . [is] more than just a simple garden memoir. It's is packed with fascinating gardening lore and practical insights that will amuse and inspire gardeners of all ages and skill levels." -East Coast Gardener

"The story of [Primeau's] continuing life journey is interwoven with the gardens she grows, each one a reflection of her evolution as a gardener. Along the way, she slips in historic garden vignettes, advice from world famous gardeners and a little garden wisdom of her own. She concludes by outlining the six stages in the evolutionary life of a gardener, starting with the early yearning for blossoms, the bigger the better, and soon replaced with quieter, more appreciative phases." -Winnipeg Free Press