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Hidden Guests

Migrating Cells and How the New Science of Microchimerism Is Redefining Human Identity

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  • ISBN: 9781778402661
  • Tags: All Books, Health & Wellness, Lise Barnéoud, Science,
  • Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5
  • Published On: 11/04/2025

What if some of your cells were not your own? What if they once belonged to a stranger?

Part mind-bending medical mystery—part cutting-edge science—Hidden Guests uncovers the astonishing phenomenon of microchimerism: the presence of foreign cells inside our own bodies. The incredible story of how those cells got there—and what they do once they arrive—might change everything we know about disease prevention, lineage, and identity.

We are all told the same story as children: that we grew from a single cell into a human, that all of our cells came from the first fertilized egg, and that we have one distinct genetic code. But scientists are beginning to challenge that story.

The recent discovery of microchimerism shows that perhaps not all our cells are our own—some of them migrated from other bodies. How did they get there? Scientists are still studying their journey, but overwhelming evidence points to pregnancy, blood transfusions, and even sex. But what does this mean for our daily lives—is it really such a big deal if someone else’s cell turns up in our blood stream? The answer, as author Lise Barnéoud shows, is that the implications could be earth-shattering.

In Hidden Guests, Barnéoud interviews doctors, researchers, and medical experts at the forefront of microchimerism research. She interweaves their fascinating discoveries with the shocking human stories of microchimerism including:

- The story of the mother who gave birth to the genetic children of her sister … even though her sister had never been born.

- The story of the man who was arrested because his DNA was found at a crime scene—but he had no recollection of being there. When he was able to prove that his DNA had landed in the body of another—the actual offender—he was released.

- The woman whose body tragically carried the cells of the man who once sexually assaulted her.

Hidden Guests traces the history of this still emerging science while asking philosophical and probing questions about the implications of microchimerism to our understanding of immunity, biology, evolution, parental testing, criminal forensics, and the concept of individual identity. Barnéoud makes the case for expanding our notions of both self and immunity: as ever-changing collectives of cells in relation, we are not unlike ecosystems. And like ecosystems, perhaps, the greater our diversity, the greater our resilience.

With expert knowledge, Barnéoud reveals all that is known about this science-in-the-making, which offers fertile ground for interpretation and imagination. Hidden Guests is a lively, thought-provoking, and essential introduction to this emerging scientific phenomenon.

Lise Barnéoud is a freelance science journalist who regularly contributes to Le Monde and Mediapart. In addition to Hidden Guests, she is the author of two books about vaccines, Immunisés? and Vaccins. She won the 2008 Fondation Varenne award for science journalism in a national daily newspaper and the Trophées Signatures Santé’s 2016 Grand Prix.